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    CDON Group launches its payment solution Qliro on

    2014-09-05 11:30 - Regulatory press release
    CDON Group AB (publ), today announced that they have launched their payment service Qliro for invoice- and instalment payments on the internet store The launch is the second step of the pilot test, which was introduced on at the beginning of June.

    About Qliro
    Qliro was founded in 2014 as part of the leading e-commerce group in the Nordic region, CDON Group. Qliro is a company that enables safe online shopping for consumers by allowing them to get their goods delivered in advance of the payments. Qliro develops payment services that simplify consumers everyday lives through modern and innovative technical solutions.

    The information in this announcement is that which CDON Group AB is required to disclose under the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act and/or the Securities Markets Act. This information was released for publication at 11:30 CET on 5 September 2014.
