Nelly Group AB (publ) ("Nelly") today held its Annual General Meeting (the "AGM"). The AGM resolved in accordance with all proposals of the Board and the Nomination Committee.
The AGM resolved to re-elect Daniel Hörnqvist, Ebba Ljungerud, Stefan Palm, Josephine Salenstedt, Lennart Sparud and Axel Westphalen as members of the Board. Ebba Ljungerud was re-elected as Chair of the Board.
The AGM adopted the income statement and the balance sheet as well as the consolidated income statement and the consolidated balance sheet, and resolved that the retained earnings, the share premium reserve and the result for the year is to be carried forward.
The AGM resolved on the discharge of liability of the members of the Board and the Chief Executive Officers for the financial year 2023.
The AGM also resolved to: